Surprising that the numbness in the mind doesn’t translate into the finger tips at times. Give a guy a week, without any thing to do, give a future blank, and sometimes electricity runs through the brain or sometimes nothing.
Goal-less-ness can be a can be a gift or curse, or some other elaborate terms like existentialism, meaninglessness, depression etc. All these terms seem to radiate with goallessness too, even though in some spiritual context they become goals themselves.
Yeah... Whatever…
That’s my fav. word these days
OK, world, I am waiting out,
Move around me, I am not gonna run
Around in circles any more.
A different type of entry, pasted here for eternity… as long as I remain anonymous, I need not fear being judged. What happened I don’t know, meaninglessness remain like saltless food on my mouth.
Maybe its not fashionable to write about self, when a few hundred public causes float in the blogosphere, which everyone seem to try to blot it with their pet issues, such as discrimination, land grabbing polluters, celebrity evil deeds... just take up any one to fight over seems to be the mantra.
Trying to sit still, focus, or even just eat have become hard enough, but yet advice still remains the biggest fear of all. Guess I am abstract enough now. Astala vista, pax vobis.