Blogs... Its for those people with a need to publish... Shout out at nothingness…
Why cant just play the game without worrying of whether we are winning or losing? Or something like that..
Philosophizing has always been easy.. (for me).
well... wouldn't it be nice, to be like that.. without a care.. just going with the flow?
Trying to make the world a nice place. We remain dreamers.. idealists... But its nice though.. that's true..
Though playing with zest, with jelousy, with vigour to win is also nice... isn't it?
We want to do it in various ways..
The above conversation made me think of a book called 'The diceman' written by a guy called Luke Rhinehart.
A part of it (one page).. was somewhat like this below:
A guy's wish to do everything... win in stockmarket, write a bestseller, do great community work, explore unknown, build big corporate empire, make a great movie, and such stuff.. and then do all these things in various styles... (i.e. carelessly, seriously, like superman, like micky mouse etc. etc)...
But these desires doesn't take him anywhere.. or takes just zaps him all over the goddamn universe without actually anything happening out of it. and as he wants to achieve them all.. so he is unable to do even one of it well... and remains a slave of the social image.. the propogand to be big sucess eats up the free human spirit.
They are social goals... carrots on a stick created by media, society, culture etc. to keep the being on the run, on the race.
The rebellion, or goals which oppose the media images given above... also are in a way product of the same media...
Because, rebellion is the 'anti' of that image.. for example, "I dont want money", or "I dont want to do that".. etc. comments/values/beliefs are are some examples.. they are jsut direct contrasts of it - reactionary rebellions.
But how to break out? break out in a pure form? that's a challenge. Or its a big farce as well.. what is originality ?
Isn't searching for it, itself a big media image of an intellectual? a dreamer?
Is there a way out of this circle? haha.. now the seeker of originality ends up with paranoia as well...
another random thought. Try thinking back about your college / univ. days... or your previous academic year's efforts. How much of it is of actual use? If you try to re-read those books and try to understand or do something on your own, how well do they seem to serve that purpose?
Weren't those academic authorities making you run after false targets by creating false threats? (just like in the military, where obeying a superior officer's commands without questioning them is drummed into the soldier's mind till it becomes almost like an instinct... that obeying seems like the right choice or the only choice?)...
Any random one's from you?