i had been taking time off from work to do some serious self exploration, without bothering about earning money, career, cautionary advice from friends, acquaintances and general world rules etc.
after few months of such search and wandering hundreds of kilometers, i came across this quote,
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"
by MK Gandhi.
of course, several interpretations, angles of this quote will be out there; for me it was an eye opener about my past exploratory ideals. to find myself, i had tried to distance get away from my earlier identities (basically my educational degrees, profession etc), and been checking whether i can practice "all types of work has dignity".. in a way check my ego.
if i was able to serve others is something i dont know. but i feel some kind of pattern is emerging and some positive sense & direction is emerging. so gonna keep writing more.