WHO estimates there are 1.1 billion smokers in the world. Now whether this number includes smokeless tobacco users is something i am trying to find. In developing countries poor people tend to chew tobacco, as its cheaper. Tobacco consumption is decreasing in developed countries and increasing in developing (poorer) countries.
Stats also show that More than 4 million people die each year from smoking related diseases. About half of all long-term smokers die of tobacco-related illnesses, and even more sadly, half of those die in middle age.
Many countries, especially developed countries like Canada, Australia shocking warnings are compulsory on tobacco products (such as, "tobacco is more addictive than heroin", "smoking when pregnant harms your baby")... but even such countries dont dare to ban tobacco products.
why? are they scared that banning tobacco would be bad for economy?
-the land used currently for tobacco farming could be easily utilized for another
eatable crop.
-since tobacco drains out the nutrient chemicals on farmland in larger quantities
than other crops, fertilizers are compulsory for tobacco farming, thus by
quitting tobacco farming, we would actually save our soil.
the people who will lose their jobs, if tobacco industry goes kaput... is a considerable problem initially.
similarly when tobacco is banned, productivity would go up (as people would be more healthy, and there would be less breaks), some more people could end up jobless.. but then VCR (video) cassette stores went out of business, and other such transitions which happen, the market would absorb these unemployed over the years.
the money saved on tobacco related ill health and its cost could be easily utilized to rehabilitate tobacco farmers & unemployed people for these few transitory years.
of course, even if all this doesn't convince the economic loss due to banning tobacco, you cant put money over life of over a million people every year...
the biggest killer of civilized world needs to be dealt with now!