Monday, February 27, 2012

6 months of barefoot!

the fall season is here... winter chill has given way to free flowing winds and dry leaves floating down everywhere.
i guess the summer heat would be the real test for any barefooter, but hopefully my feet will have thicker skin by then. thing which i noticed about my feet is - now my toes seem to have a life of their own. the toes are getting used more, and they seem to revel in this new found freedom. by the end of the 5th month of 24/7 barefoot living, my toes put in more effort while walking, and i seem to feel them wriggling more often.
the 4th toe of my left foot (in hand it will be the ring finger), isthe only problem maker. that 4th toe is not exactly straight, and doesnt fall flat enough.
i had never noticed this till now, because if you are wearing a footwear, i guess it wouldn't matter much.
it feels slightly odd, but my guess is, couple of months more of barefoot walking will make that 4th toe to evolve as well.

.........another observation is, my increased tolerance for pain.. earlier if a thorn pierced my feet, i would be all upset, and feeling sorry for myself for a long period of time.. not now! these days, its just a thorn to be pulled out and then move ahead. and i absolutely had no problems at all, and feel my feet are at their healthiest in years.

anyway, cant give out statements and predictions so early. but so far everything seems cool... barefoot for life!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hey, let’s be…

Hey, let’s be…
There is an element of attraction
Want to watch you move, smile, hesitate,
Flicker your irises in wonder, joy, jealousy
Anger, and in your private pretensions…

And something more which makes me feel
Protective, helpful, sensitive,
And with shower of appreciations, clean out your
Self doubts, concerns, worries which you pour out
Every now and then, it seems to me…

And another element, which wants to see
You hesitate, perplexed at simple things
When you are like a child, helpless, unsure,
Unexposed and cute and amusing as well…

And then there’s a temptress, voluptuous woman
To caress, to embrace to be lost together
And that crazy friend, to be with
To talk to and to listen to and share
The one to tell, the one to hear, be informed
Be asked questions while taking for granted
That I will know, you will tell and so on..

And that craving to be with, and the equal amount
Of concern, not to crave, not to bother you...
But let you be free, let it all be objective,
I care too much to tie it or term it all in one
So am gonna just let it fly… Hey let’s be...

reasons for going barefoot

The reasons I started to live barefoot (not using any footwear 24/7, 365 days)

1) Want to live a simpler life, and find out whether footwear is a real need or just a media created demand.

2) Want to reduce my carbon footprint - so I will be using less synthetic, plastic material - as most shoes/footwear uses that, as well as any footwear material for that matter.

3) Reduce brand crazy consumerism and materialism - what you wear defines you or establishes your status kind of attitude adds fuel to human greed and burning up our earth.

4) Work on my own ego aspects - as i had been obsessed about style and type and number of footwear I own as well as what others wear! Been a total sucker for those footwear brands - so, now to be more of what I am as I am...

5) To feel and manage the inhibition of being footwear less person, from both internal (my own) and external reactions... (as well as to perceive how does it feel to be discriminated on the basis of not having a social status symbol in other words).

6) To feel the sensation: To feel the natural objects as my feel comes in contact with them, rather than keeping my foot covered up all the time with some plastic/rubber/synthetic material. How does grass, mud, rock, wood, leaves, asphalt, cement etc feel which we walk over every day?

7) To know whether a person can live without footwear or here. Is it really a basic necessity, is a question I want to answers by live experimentation…

8) To be part of economically disadvantaged people in this world who cannot afford even footwear, and empathize with them till there is more equality in this world, and last but not least...

9) To show that we have to be considerate of other people, and not litter and dirty the earth... And take responsibility to keep our surroundings clean enough for people to walk barefoot anywhere...

I didn't find all these reasons at one go, but i keep finding more such insights through my experiences, reading and observations...

lots of people are asking me reasons... so now i can give them link or google ;)