Bakpakng, as i would like to spell it due to a reason.. (instead of Back-Packing).
the dictionary meaning / definition of backpacking is:
travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a rucksack..
But, that was not MY definition.. and hence the different way of spelling it. i did carry a rucksack carrying (all) my belongings... but there were many other elements added to it.
I wanted to add, randomness to it all. there was no plan, no destination, no time frame, and no goal, and it was a solo (alone) activity.
mainly, it was for un-conditioning in a way.. generally, at present, in 21st century, every day, we try to be focused on time and some constructive productivity, during every second of our existence. been conditioned to behave that way, since many generations, and as close to current societal rules/norms as possible. this was to see, whether, no-plan, no-time based, existence thru wandering is possible or not.. and to see, what i as a individual human being could do. take me out of my comfort zones, and explore what i would be, if there are minimum of restraints, rules, norms etc.
of course, when we try to maximize Freedom, then, Security on the other hand gets imbalanced, and its a price we have to pay.. and as everything in nature, we can't imbalance totally, but only upto some extent. i was exploring multiple limits, if i wanted to do that. (which means, it was not to push myself to some edge deliberately, but just letting everything be, letting myself be, and going with that flow.
i was in one end of India, at Kanyakumari, during the beginning of last year. in a way, these travels had started from there mentally. i gradually drifted up north from south end. in between stayed in some places longer, worked and earned money for these travels, volunteered (where some things like stay / food etc were free), in v.few places charitable organization/people helped, and v.few places were expensive as well to stay/food.
i will try to write about that, in a haphazard way.. some blogs may seem like a travelogue, and some like philosophical soliloquy (talk with myself). but, guess most readers would be aware of these varying styles of writing and will take what they want.
of course, i was barefeet (reasons for me being barefeet i have written earlier in this blog), and was going to use my own saved money from my earlier salaried jobs i had earned. it was going to be on as low budget as possible, was going to avoid luxury and live in a very simple way, to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. i could get room / place to stay, for rs. 100, but, i was not going for anything above 200, unless unavoidable, and not spending more than 150 on food per day.. there was no fixed number / ruppees, but, a general gut feeling. cheapest bus / travel form was used, and unreserved train journey throughout, which is toughest but cheapest as well.
another thing which evolved was, i didn't use much info. from internet (my mobile phone was a cheap one, with very basic, 2g mobile connectivity), i had like a budget of 200 rupees per month for mobile charges, 1.3 MP camera on it, and was going to ask people for information and depend on it to make spot decisions as where to go and not go. many a time, it was based on, which train or bus was available, or based on how attractive / exotic name of a place i felt at that moment etc. it was very random, so, its very tough to explain how i was deciding my travel plan.. it was that crazy ;)
**In a nutshell, or briefly, this Bakpakng was letting go, not bothering about 'control'... but, i am still figuring out, how to communicate it in a nice way.. finding out, it makes too many ppl scared/insecure in some way, maybe its my energy now, or maybe i am not ready to communicate it all yet...