Monday, December 23, 2019

2020.. A new beginning

Maybe every year end feels like end of old era and new era beginning..  1999 to 2000 was such one.  But millennial label seems like the only big change.

But now with a new moon starting on 26th DEC, we will have a new year starting on ascendancy of light..  Maybe it has no significance, but 2020 does indicate surprises..  Positive for whole earth...

I remember a science fiction story from many decades ago..  It goes like this..
A person goes into coma, and wakes up in 2020...
The person (x is the name), starts asking questions to nurse about few things.

X: where am i?  Am in still in the same country or has national borders changed, when i was in coma?
Nurse: this is year 2020, many things / concepts have changed.  Every nation, place has multiple names now, so its not easy to explain.

X: thats confusing.  How does a nation defend itself then?
Nurse: there are no army or defense forces.  As noone has army, theres no need to defend.

X: ok, let me start from bare basics, whats your name?
Nurse: now everyone has multiple names, so an individual doesn't go by single identity.  Again this can be confusing for a 20th century person.

X: every thing has changed into multiple identity?  Then it must be a crazy world out there..
Nurse: there's no discrimination now, but for you, its crazy i guess..
Do you want to go back into your coma now?

Addition 2 CP..

The puran (mythology) continued..  As most scriptures, its told orally by many, and documentations are always sketchy.   Here's some by another anonymous writer.

Usually a CP starts with a c circle..  Few ppl join together, with things required, and sit around in a circle.  Silence regains, as these 4 to 5 ppl start preparation in full focus as respect.

A chillum is opened from its cover, the stone/gitti taken out and checked if clean... Mix of tobacco or herbal mix like dried Sage etc is mixed with small bits..  The story of the bits, from which mountain area its from etc is talked about.

A person who will start the chillum circle is agreed upon, and with respect, light / fire is offered.  The starter or boomer is the central attention, and given space to be ready... After booming, its circulated in left hand (shakti circle) or to right hand side (shiva circle).

Boom Bhole-Nath, Sabke saath..  (Light, bhole means innonocent/ naive / non conditioned by any social rules... And Nath means, master..  Sabke=everyone, and saath=together.. 
In English, light, o' master of naivity, with everyone...

When you are next in line to get the chillum, you have to respect the person smoking the chillum, and bless them in my by thinking, "may your lungs be strong"...  So it comes burning nicely to you... 
As chillum circle is a quick karmic cycle, of giving and receiving.. 
Living together in respect and cooperation, of interdependent process. 
Chillum circle is similar to red-indian 'peace pipe' ceremony or process. 
And many people take it as seriously as Japanese tea ceremony rituals.

But chillum circle ceremony or ritual is getting lost..  But hopefully fans of chillum will keep this hundreds of year old simple tool, made with clay, alive in different ways. 
This blog is a tribute to that circle of respect and togetherness humans can achieve!