Saturday, October 01, 2022

be yourself 😁😜

 There's a blog down there, in the same page, written may 2 years ago, about being happy or becoming successful in life.   

We often mix these 2, hapiness & success.. interchange these 2 words or concepts.. when it comes to life.  

And often the end goal of life is success/happiness.  

We (all of humans) try to find some purpose/s to lead life, and achieving them become purpose.  Without purpose, we are dull and not motivated or don't use our energy.  

And when we set a purpose or purposes which are against our true self, or our true energies, we are conflict, problems, confusion etc.  

Thus giving ourselves time to understand our true self, or true energies become first step.  These true energies we have to accept..  whole heartedly... Then only it works.

But often we set our purposes based on other people, or other energies.  For example,
A perfect monogamous relationship life long,
Or an artistic endeavour (include music, dance, painting, writing etc).  
Or a million dollars or something physical or social wealth.  

Accepting the true energy is not easy.  We might figure out, our energy combination might not provide a measurable success or achievements in our whole life time.  We might find, like some people, we will grow old and die, without a specific achievement or reaching a standard goal.  

And that might leave us dissatisfied and unhappy.  But true energy cannot be measured in this way... Not even in one life time..  it's not the destination or end goal..  it's wheather you were true to self (self energies) as much as possible.  

Nobody can remain same (truthful or fake) all the time.. even after understanding all this, we will keep going up and down..  sometimes more intelligent than we are, and other times much more stupid than we are..  life is collection of such ups and downs..  smart & bad and average decisions..  (even within 24 hours, we go through alll these).

Many people block themselves at some point and start living that way for many years or a life time itself.  And that any introspective person will know doesn't really work.  We can easily observe those, who are faking it, lying about it, to themselves.  Other people around us also see through suck fakeness.  

It's easier to spot it in others than self.  Thus, we have to work on honest self observation... Not just a day or 2, but for years and years..  the more understanding of true self, or true energies we realise, things change.  

But there is no final judgement... As what's best life.. what's happy or sucessful life..  it will depend on our true energies.  Some may have energies which can be measured.. in a social or numbers way... Many won't have such measurebleness....

We have to accept that too..  that many things or achievements are not measurable in the current world.   If one has that kind of energies, learn to accept them truthfully.. rather than lying to self.

I might add, learning about our true self, and learning to live with that...  Will clean our karma of this life..  otherwise we carry forward it to next life.   (It's a hypothesis, I don't rigidly say, karma concept or future lifes exist).  Just one way to understand these concepts.

It's complicated... All the above.  Hope something makes sense.  If not, then you are (your energies) are not ready for it, or your energies don't need to understand them.   Be yourself... It's a blessing! 

* If you didn't understand these above writing, then please don't force yourself to.  Everything in it's time. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

inner travel

 As you travel, it's common to meet very different people..  and reach different levels of interaction.

With some a different level of communication happen, but usually not many.  Each human being at different phases (of life) will have different filters.  

Thus sometimes same person would have changed and that old connection no longer exist.  But with those whom i had open and transparent interaction, acceptance of that change happens smoother.  I let them be, and they let me be.  

I am never comfortable with possessive types of connections, and that filter for me is a usual one.  Of course many a time I've made mistakes in this understanding.  Though over the years, i try to keep this awareness... That another person may not be the way i thought them to be.  

And same for them.  They might make mistakes in perceiving me.   I remember talking with such a friend about these things, and mutually agreeing to accept each other as we will be.. as changing creatures that we all are.  Thus keeping a non-possessive friendship.  (It's not easy, but rewarding in the long term for both).
*This extends to both our other connections as well.  The other's friends can become mutual friends, but i try not to connect with that new person as a separate entity (this again is not easy, and not common either).  Many wouldn't like it, and then it doesn't happen.  But it does happen and that old relationship doesn't remain the base, a new connection occurs..  in the same open way.  (Though for me, just at mental level only, well, that'd be for another blog maybe;)
Probably it's reflected in many a traveler's attitude.  A healthy respect to let go and let in.  And with such friends, there's no constant or regular communication, and sometimes for years, there's no communication.  When we meet again, we try to share current state/phase and if there's mis-match, we keep distance.  Without much cribbing or complaints :)

And at times, i go into a cave, many months long i prefer to be utterly solo.  It's not everyone's cup of tea..  

Honesty, trust, acceptance as you are (thus non judgemental to a large degree), and openness to share.. these are some filters, and sense of humour too..  it's not easy to have filters, and probably not the ideal.. but fortunately I've become comfortable in accepting less than ideal.. in me to some extent.  A future world of genderless i foresee, and gender conditioning can be very deep.  And traveling happen not only externally but internally as well.  So explorations keep ongoing.   

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Vague definitions...

 I was thinking about - how we humans try to identify ourselves and others into categories... 

 And if someone doesn't fit into a category easily, it leads to irritation & anger, jealousy, passive-aggression, shame, pride etc.

I realised I don't belong to general conventional labels/groups.. and living solo is as easy or as tough as relationships or anything else for that matter..

And the master of the world..  jagannath..  wandering the beaches..  ceremonial herbal drinks are part of the ceremony.  

I had not smoked up in the last 4 days.. empty stomach .. just 1 glass is taking me on a great trip.. calming me thru insights

My identity is not constant.. (we all are a mixed group of different energies), and we change all the time. Sometimes others tell me, you haven't changed.. same as 7 years ago.. (or something like that).

But i look at such a statement with high doubt/skeptically. Because my internal journey is not straight line..

That internal flow/journey is just like nature.. different seasons, different intensities.. often chaotic.. and we unnecessarily try to manage our life into compartments.

Hope the loop ended now.

(Ceremonial wandering*. Of a shamanic spirit, is a trip to be experienced, and with preparations.  Avoid intoxicants, heavy food etc for few days and 48 hours prior fruit only diet.. then drink*)

Saturday, April 02, 2022

Hippie puran 2

 Well, I've heard from a hippie, who had heard it from someone else..  some such stories.  Are they real?  Absolutely not.  Couple of times, around a camp fire full of smoke and full of darkness around, I've heard them.  Long beard and dreads, no names, and disappearing before dawn.. those were the common reoccurrence.

   Around me, in a circle, few figures sat.  Are you a human? One of them asked.  Out of curiosity, i affirmed.  Some herbal tea was boiling on a blackened, misshapen kettle on the fire.  A glass full of that was passed around in between.  

    After few sips, I asked back, are you human? 

   Yes, for now. Was the cryptic reply.  Nothing much else was happening.  After a period of unknown time, couple of them began to chant.  No words, just sounds.  It was very different, but entrancing.  After sometime, one of them got up to collect wood and invited me to join.  It was fun wandering and gathering.

    When i returned to the fire circle, few mats were spread around, and some food was being cooked.  I realised everyone was contributing, without much talking.  This kind of sharing and activities were going around.  

    Without realising, that night ended and sun came up.  In a nearby tree, a shade was set up and the circle moved over.  And couple of days sped by.  And then i found myself alone, near a road on the third morning.  Were they hippie gods?  What was the purpose of it all? It sure wasn't a dream is all i can assure.  

   There's one more experience, which I'll share later. 

Hippie Puran

 Puran or Puranam means mythology.  So does mythology of hippies exist?  There's Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Aboriginal etc etc myths.  Often connected to a religion.  

   Miracles, super powers, prophets, talking animals, apocalypse, hell, heaven, immortals etc etc are plenty in such myths.. and a lot of violence and destruction as well.  What can a hippie mythology be?  Personally i have no Idea.  But some people wanted to share what they seem to know.  

    Some anonymous blog posts will be uploaded by them in near future.  

    Institutionalised religious groups, many types exist, and many have Billions of dollars, and followers.  But hippie mythology is never for such purposes.  That'd be contradictory.  Thus there's no priests or agents.  They are just for peace and understanding, as a hippie might say.  Now there's nothing else to do, but wait for the chapters to unfold.  Peace out.