Saturday, April 08, 2006

been watching a lot of recent movies. 'crash' and 'goodnight & goodluck' stand out. i could get the script of 'munich' by googling. reading a script almost gives me a feeilng as if i have seen that movie (though some of my friends consider reading a script as boring).

talking about reading a script, i had read one unofficial script version of 'minority report', and i liked it so much and decided rented out a cd or dvd, i forget. the movie was quite different!! i was disappointed as the official script was lousy compared to the unofficial script.

of course, giong back to the first para, i also saw, 'capote', maybe didn't enjoy becoz had not read 'in cold blood' or seen him on tv ever.

been reading a lot too, mainly pulp fiction books like, stephen king, ildes, connelly and stuff... just fall on to my bed and keep reading till the sun rises and birds makes all kinda noises, thought i wouldn't be doing that stuff in my thirties.

well, will be soon going to a tribal area, and hopefully be there during a tribal festival. i guess the tribe is called as 'gonds'. i am pretty much looking forward to this trip, and watch out this space, i told you about this first.

and yeah, sometimes i wonder whether anyone reads such blogs, there must be billions out there. So, if you read this, do write something on the comments... ok? its not for my ego trip, but hey, knowing whether someone ever reads this or not is important, right?... "YEAH".


Anonymous said...

yeah, i read some.

Anonymous said...

i hadn't checked in in a while.

glad to see you got comments now. it will be a reason to check in more often. as you know i love to act the know-it-all.

looking forward to hearing about the trip.