Why do Indians do it? Talk about gender equality on one side and force their children to follow an arcane ritual from ancient times… Talk about IT on one side and follow an astrological chart for marriage on other side…
What’s the connection between Indians and scientific temper? As the blonde jokes go, same as a blonde and intelligence? There are Millions of Indians who have studied pure sciences, and their branches, engineering and medicine. And millions more are currently studying (and the anti-reservation fight was mainly fought on those course campuses, just reporting though)… But India mostly imports technology from outside, there seem to be nothing much coming up in research ideas from these science grads. Why?
Are the Indian children force fed on Farex, milk and exam oriented answers? Do they like in the loo, just produce shit in the examination hall as an end result?
Centuries old culture is ruined by call centers, or are they disturbing the staid method to make academic automatons since centuries? Religion is the opium of the masses, whew, this keyboard is turning schizo too. ;)
and blogs the opium of 2 bit (2 reader) blog writers?
"2 reader"? i believe there are three of us, thank you very much.
you (sovidual) to argue that "India mostly imports technology from outside" is proof that students are not being well-educated in science in India. i.e.,
"nothing much coming up in research ideas from these science grads ...just produce shit in the examination hall as an end result."
you're neglecting two points, i think, both of which to do with the extent to which this is about money, not religion or culture. the first point is that building a computer factory (or whatever) requires not only technological sophistication, but also capital. the second point is that when Indian science grads do come up with research ideas, they often do it in the US, Canada, Europe, or Australia, where they will be better paid for it.
actually, i have a third point in the same vein. let us suppose there is some product which 75% of Americans and 3% of Indians can afford. then most likely this product will end up being imported to India. (though, now that i think about it, it will probably be imported from Japan, not US... like that camera I bought there, but never mind....) again, it's the money, not the scientific temper or lack thereof.
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