Monday, November 30, 2009

What’s wrong with this story?

disclaimer: this is a fictional account, but could be culturally/morally shocking. please do not read ahead, if you detest such boundary crossers.

2 psychiatrists are sitting and casually chatting. Seems like their work is done, and they are catching up with gossip after work. One shrink is sitting in a big chair facing a desk and across the desk, there are 2-3 small chairs. Other shrink is standing near the window, and looking half out and half in.
A youth enters that room, greets and says he wants to talk. The shrink on the chair looks a bit bored, but without saying much, he points the youth to a chair across the desk.

The youth says, he is following up with the shrinks treatment (establishing him as a client), and both client and doctor are familiar with each other. The youth then talks about some of his current problems… the shrink kinda shrinks into his chair with an inevitability and throws a what-to-do-now look at his colleague.

In between the youth’s talk, the shrink on chair motions him to stop… and asks his colleague, who seems half in and out of that room.. “hey, does this sound familiar to you?”. The standing shrink turns a bit more in, and says, “yeah, my client I told you about that other day, he had some of these symptoms.. haha,.. so gay man”… and both the shrinks laugh.

The youth waits few seconds patiently to continue with his problems.. the shrink in the chair also turns towards him to hear the story out till end. The youth hesitates, and then asks, “is this client’s name mr. so and so? “.. the standing shrink turns around a bit, thinks and says.. yeah, that’s his name. the youth jumps out of the chair, and says, excuse me for a minute, and flips out his mobile and walks out of that room.. the shrinks re-start their gossip chat without losing another second.

The youth calls up someone on phone and asks him to be at the shrinks office as soon as possible… the other one on phone seems to agree. The youth sits down in a chair outside and waits.

After some minutes, another youth comes in from outside, enters the waiting room, and greets the youth who was waiting. They shake hands and chat, and then smile and hug.. and hug again.. and enter the shrink’s room.

They greet both the shrinks loudly and say.. hey, we know what was with us two now.. we are together now. See ya later. One of the shrinks says, try to take an appointment next time… and winks at the other shrink.

The youths holding hands, walk out of the room.. curtain.

……from asian cultural perspective, the things that are wrong would be different, and from a western/europian cultural perspective, some other things might seem wrong. There are lots of politically incorrect things happening in this little scene, but what’s acceptable and what’s seen as shockingly inappropriate is based on your cultural background. (this scene is a completely fictional creation, to be aware of cultural and moral influences on all of us, and how they color our perspective, make us snap happy in being judgemental, and for getting insights, and does not mean disrespect for anyone.. jeez man, nobody got robbed or killed… and shut up or get bludgeoned ;)

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