The end
does not justify the means. What
does it mean and why is it important to remember, even when it comes to positive
change, known as development?
We must actually use sustainable development (SD), instead of just 'development' – as SD is a long term vision and not a short cut, or short term growth. Please remember, development is and should be seen as SD... you will see the reason for adding this, as you read ahead.
Now back to 'The end does not justify the means' point – often human right violations, such as abuse, exploitation, violence are covered as a practical requirement, for a better future, a necessity for a good end result.
Countless rulers have used the excuse of Development, (that is development of their nation) – for waging wars, atrocities, genocide, biological warfare, imprisonment and even bombing out entire cities full of people.
And it is happening today as well, and every newspaper reading person will be aware of it. How many human rights violations have you read about, or experienced – which was done in the name of a nation or as a reason for national development in general? Arresting people and beating them – violating their rights – in the name of national security, is another form of the same excuse. As national security is required for national development.
In the same way, religious groups are targeted, harassed, mocked and even killed. Using skin color to target certain groups, denying them full rights and keeping them as secondary citizens – because, they are portrayed as not worthy of contributing to the nations development, is another example, to justify abusive means or methods. In the same way, political party members are targeted as well, blamed, shown as evil and bad.
And this is why, "The end does not justify the means". The end result, or the goal can be a good or great one. But the means to reach that goal or end result cannot be unethical or bad one.
Most of us are told, "end justifies the means", in different ways from our childhood, that is, to use any means possible to get our way – and as we grow up as adults, we see more and more such examples around us – people cheat, fake, copy, steal, lie, torture and even kill... for what they believe to be a good goal, a positive end result.. supposedly a better future.
It is easy to believe this cunning statement, 'Ends justify the means' – as it hides all the evil and exploitation – by showing a bright future. But can bad and evil deeds and actions be accepted as a way to good? Gandhi was one person who focused on just means / fair methods, and he also tried to popularize "end does not justify the means". and ofcourse, today, 2nd October 2014 is his 146th Birthday...
But some readers may not not convinced yet...
Here is another example - Using dangerous banned drugs in sports / athletics, to win gold medal – They won! They reached the end – the goal of winning... would you accept it as the Right thing?
If not, then – imagine yourself as one of the sufferers, one of the discriminated, one of the accused, one of the tortured, or raped or killed.
Would you then accept it happily as your sacrifice for nation's development?
How can it be nations development, when the present citizens are troubled in the name of an imaginary future?
How can someone, who uses unfair and inhuman ways to reach his/her goal can be trusted in future to take care of you as well? Will you bet on such a person? They are not hero's but villains.
We must actually use sustainable development (SD), instead of just 'development' – as SD is a long term vision and not a short cut, or short term growth. Please remember, development is and should be seen as SD... you will see the reason for adding this, as you read ahead.
Now back to 'The end does not justify the means' point – often human right violations, such as abuse, exploitation, violence are covered as a practical requirement, for a better future, a necessity for a good end result.
Countless rulers have used the excuse of Development, (that is development of their nation) – for waging wars, atrocities, genocide, biological warfare, imprisonment and even bombing out entire cities full of people.
And it is happening today as well, and every newspaper reading person will be aware of it. How many human rights violations have you read about, or experienced – which was done in the name of a nation or as a reason for national development in general? Arresting people and beating them – violating their rights – in the name of national security, is another form of the same excuse. As national security is required for national development.
In the same way, religious groups are targeted, harassed, mocked and even killed. Using skin color to target certain groups, denying them full rights and keeping them as secondary citizens – because, they are portrayed as not worthy of contributing to the nations development, is another example, to justify abusive means or methods. In the same way, political party members are targeted as well, blamed, shown as evil and bad.
And this is why, "The end does not justify the means". The end result, or the goal can be a good or great one. But the means to reach that goal or end result cannot be unethical or bad one.
Most of us are told, "end justifies the means", in different ways from our childhood, that is, to use any means possible to get our way – and as we grow up as adults, we see more and more such examples around us – people cheat, fake, copy, steal, lie, torture and even kill... for what they believe to be a good goal, a positive end result.. supposedly a better future.
It is easy to believe this cunning statement, 'Ends justify the means' – as it hides all the evil and exploitation – by showing a bright future. But can bad and evil deeds and actions be accepted as a way to good? Gandhi was one person who focused on just means / fair methods, and he also tried to popularize "end does not justify the means". and ofcourse, today, 2nd October 2014 is his 146th Birthday...
But some readers may not not convinced yet...
Here is another example - Using dangerous banned drugs in sports / athletics, to win gold medal – They won! They reached the end – the goal of winning... would you accept it as the Right thing?
If not, then – imagine yourself as one of the sufferers, one of the discriminated, one of the accused, one of the tortured, or raped or killed.
Would you then accept it happily as your sacrifice for nation's development?
How can it be nations development, when the present citizens are troubled in the name of an imaginary future?
How can someone, who uses unfair and inhuman ways to reach his/her goal can be trusted in future to take care of you as well? Will you bet on such a person? They are not hero's but villains.
So, voice your protest – against any such abuse, human right violation – done int he name of change for a better future, done against any religion, a political party, or any person. We all need to be aware and observant to realize, such schemes, as any leader can utilize such dirty tactics. Remember that people who use negative means to achieve something – will become like Hitler, or Dictator Mussolini, once they get the power. These 2 were most obvious examples.
so don't be late in raising your voice in opposition to political, or religious crucifications. Make sure bad and evil means are not used with an excuse like, its all for development or betterment of people etc. Etc.
Voice your valuable opposition against such disgusting tactics. Violence whether its physical or verbal – should not be accepted as a public means of communication. And that is by following always – good and fair means, such as – ethical communication... Not only for our nation, but for all of humanity. and its not just for today, but for everyday.
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