Monday, March 16, 2015

difference between sex and gender...

pedophiles and many other type of sex offenders, such as rapists, sadists,(all the types of sexual behavior, where human right of another person is infringed, and violence and cruelty is done)... they seem to be males... and never female.. is that possible? 
Violent crimes done by females in comparison to males would be a very low.. or could it be that, some of it doesnt reach popular media.. ?

anyway, is it okay to make such a group difference based on gender? Could it be, based on the way females are suppressed? If females are allowed to develop as they want, and males too, maybe such a difference might not exist, that is, in a genderless world.. hypothetically that is..

and, what is the difference between 'sex' and 'gender'? What is politically correct? What should be the heading, when you want to write, whether a person is male or female? Should it be noted down, under 'sex' or 'gender'?? (to be honest, i didnt have a clear idea earlier, and just google it).

Wikipedia says, “The sex and gender distinction is not universal. In ordinary speech, sex and gender are often used interchangeably. Some dictionaries and academic disciplines give them different definitions while others do not”.

I am really surprised – there should be some universal standards, definitions for some concepts at least.. (its another big argument, we dont have a metric system, or which side of road should we drive, and so on as world standards yet).

Anyway, the basic problem I think is, the need to define a person on the basis of these 2 labels, male & female.. define people on the basis of physical characteristics... (in his book, 'identity and violence' amartya sen gives example of, dividing people on the basis of size of feet... similarly, why do you want to know my sex/gender or size of feet? To me, size of feet should matter, only when I am buying footwear.

But, humans seem to enjoy differentiating people into different categories, and creating groups. It only seem to add to suppression and violence and infringement of human rights.

I started thinking – are all animal species, bird species, bug species.. or in short, various other life forms in the world, divided into these 2 sex categories?? can every life form be divided in such a way?

Can even humans be divided in such a way? There are intersex people, who are born without fully developed sex organs, or with more than one sex organ and so on. Strictly speaking, from the medical point of view, this dual category could be more for convenience than, for scientific reasons. (there is a complex article, on who can be standardized as male and female, when it comes to athletics, olympics etc.. which came out, when an indian athlete was disqualified, after this person won a medal in Asian games (maybe in 2012 or so)... this person competed in female section of athletics, but based on complex hormone etc categories, lost out, as didn't qualify as a female.

So, why insist on such a duality? Why not allow multiplicity as nature again and again shows us as nature's way?? (I was about to refer to nature as her, but why should nature have such a thing? If I refer to nature as male or female, am I referring to sex or gender? …. maybe there is no need to so much analysis.. just realize, that there is no need to categorize humans into sex/gender/other physical based categories.. just as I should oppose, noting down my skin or hair color, or other physical descriptions, such as tall, short, or fat, or any other aspects like whether I have 11 or 12 fingers instead of 10... we should maybe start opposing noting down sex or gender down on forms, our self descriptions.

We have to start small... take one thing, which can lead to a genderless society... and oppose the norms.. any ideas?

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