Monday, January 16, 2012

barefoot living

Towards the last week in the month of August (2011), I felt like not wearing any footwear, and spontaneously I tried it out.

As I live and work in a campus about 50 acres big, it was pretty easy to do away with any kind of footwear just like that. But after initial months, doubts crept in as whether I will be able to make this a life style, but I kept at it even when I traveled outside to cities and even forest areas (supposed to be full of thorns and snakes ;)

Why I should I stop wearing any footwear? I had some answers ready...

It’s a more environmentally friendly life style (I would be reducing use of plastic, non-degradable material used in the footwear I use);

Its a step ahead towards simple living (my future aim is to be able to reduce my possessions to ONE big bag which I can carry).

Its a step towards deconstructing the status image that I have programmed myself through watching innumerable adverts and media (you are the shoe/ footwear that you wear). Actually, shoes/ footwear are something I tend to notice even though I am no way a fashion conscious person... In addition, tended to buy more than one of any kind of footwear that I require.

Its to experience what my feet should otherwise be sensing... I imagined, if I wore rubber gloves whenever I go out, or even I am at home (as some people tend to wear footwear even when inside home), then would I like that?
Would I like to stop feeling any sensation I feel through my hands and fingers?
Would I like to feel rubber soles everywhere I touch for the rest of my life?
Should my feet be free to feel all kinds of material that I have to walk around on?
The choice was clear, I wanted my feet to feel free & sense.

Of course, there were many encouraging and negative comments both; lots and lots of questioning as why I am doing it (I thought of using religion / god's name as the easiest way out, but resisted as didn't want to spread blind-faith). Lots of people projected their fears on to me, but so far, I’ve been braving on, and hope to complete one whole year without any footwear. After that, I will take time to plan future lifestyle about being barefoot throughout.

There were many other things, which kept me to be barefoot all the time. Overcoming the fear that something might happen to my unprotected feet was just another addition (if one exaggerates the argument of footwear for security, one might end up living inside a room all their life ;)

The high point of barefoot living was, when last week I visited Mumbai (one of the biggest baddest metro city as any in the world), and I could easily be there for about 3 days, and even traveled on local trains which should be made into an adventure sport!

Anyway, lots more reasons why I should remain bare-feet keep occurring, and I am finding info. On the internet as well, on bare-feet running and bare-feet living as well.

Whadya think?