Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What do i want?

I have been searching for many answers. 
But specifically, how to be successful?  Has been a focus.  (I wasn't even aware, i had such a focus, on this question). 

But, yeah, what's success? 

Popularity, (acceptance by large number of people, that you are successful)...
Money (lots of resources),
Few close relationships, where others worship you...
Things and people named after you (proof that you have contributed to world)..

Many more things, i guess.

But, i have been focused on finding answers to these above..   My focus on studies, at profession/work, interaction with others, everywhere, this focus often distracted me.

It also did a good thing, along with time (years), it also distracted me from trying to go after success..  As i was more interested in finding out what success is (maybe as a theory).

So, i tried many ways, and more unconventional ways as time passed.  But it was tough, no answers were forthcoming.

I lost faith in conventional wisdom.  Stopped listening to others, played devils advocate with anything i read.. My popularity tanked (whatever small bit i had).  My career, personal life, intelligence, physical abilities, middle class childhood advantages (compared to majority of Indians, i was less poor)... All seemed to go down..  I was becoming a failure in society.

In middle class, you are taught one thing repeatedly...  Success is moving up in your economic class, thus moving up in social class as well. 
Failure is, moving down..  If i am going down the base (economic class) i have been provided by my family, then its a big failure indeed.

Fortunately, in my focus to find my answers, i began to neglect this above middle-class wisdom.   (Even before i started a gypsy lifestyle, i had been an edgy rebel... Which i guess most people who know me will agree with).  Its not a compliment, not something positive for most people.. Being edgy rebel is kinda being stupid. 

And as i neglected, how to be successful, gradually i realized that it doesn't matter..
 I dont have to know how to be successful. 
I don't have to find any answers..  I don't have to pigeon hole myself into any labels, or categories. 

Earlier too, since many years earlier, i have been living an unconventional life.. But without much awareness of why's and how's. 

I still have no answers, but the questions have gone.  Neglecting the conditionalities, of how to be successful, made those  questions go.   At least, that's what i have understood now. 

I a twisted way, my middle class conditioning also proved to be its own remedy (for me, in my opinion).

Maybe you understood..  Maybe not..  But i had to try and share these awareness...

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Chillum puran

Like all puran's, or mythology / scripture/legends of chillum, there are many stories..  Some even contradictory!

And there's no record or proof or any such thing.  These myths are organically evolved.  They spread like memes, and often applied in circles.

The circle consists of a group of people, who dedicate about an hour to sit around in a circle for the ritual.

As its prepared, someone does work to fill the mix, another prepare saafi, and someone else booms it.  There's often silence as its passed around, to right or left side, depending on choice of boomer, or the group belief.

Last person starts cleaning process.  At most respect is given to the process, with priority given to the ritual.. And to each member of the circle.  Similar to Japanese tea ceremony.

Each action required for the completion of the sharing is discussed in a logical way, with focus on sharing attitude and mutual convenience. 

These details will be discussed by different people.  In each circle, some traditions are revealed through oral recounting of some story. 

An often asked question is about shiva and shakti circles. First one goes to right side and second one goes to left.  A basic proposition is, it depends on the energy of the person booming it.  But thats just one theory.

More laters..

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Out of confusion

Altered carbon is a book, been made into a tv series.. 2 more books been written as sequels as well.  A sci-fi, where 100's of years ahead, human consciousness can be uploaded into human body, or synthetic body. 
Of course, morality n ethics, human rights etc change accordingly. 
Just putting across this scenario, to connect with our present times.

So, what's some of the most pressing issues of present times?  What are your major dilemmas?

The idea of reading sci-fi is, to liberate ourselves to next levels, where many blocks won't exist.  But new dilemmas may.  If you are the type who gets confused by such mental jumps, this piece of blog is not for you. 

But, if you like such stuff, keep reading. 

So, are you willing to explore yourself in such alien waters?  Are you willing to explore or take such a trip?  Then, join..  A world without boundaries, limitations..  Full of abundance, where each moment is a trip of infinite possibilities, insights etc.  Which is scary.. But that's being an edge dancer..  The conventions of 21st century are history for you.  (Its not 20th century, but current century, which's been traversed by less than 20 years... At present).

Those trips are what you can look forward to.  Where whether you are wearing a black or brown or male or female body would not matter, whether human or alien..  As earth will be seen as inhabited by primitive species. 

So bye to those confused, and tune in & tune out)..  Without bothered by out of body experiences.. Out of mind experiences are gonna be common soon...  Welcome to team..

Friday, January 26, 2018

human future... where

where will humans go next?  what will help us as a species to go to next level?

many research areas are promising.. but which area is most important?

will wait for your responses..