Thursday, September 06, 2018

Chillum puran

Like all puran's, or mythology / scripture/legends of chillum, there are many stories..  Some even contradictory!

And there's no record or proof or any such thing.  These myths are organically evolved.  They spread like memes, and often applied in circles.

The circle consists of a group of people, who dedicate about an hour to sit around in a circle for the ritual.

As its prepared, someone does work to fill the mix, another prepare saafi, and someone else booms it.  There's often silence as its passed around, to right or left side, depending on choice of boomer, or the group belief.

Last person starts cleaning process.  At most respect is given to the process, with priority given to the ritual.. And to each member of the circle.  Similar to Japanese tea ceremony.

Each action required for the completion of the sharing is discussed in a logical way, with focus on sharing attitude and mutual convenience. 

These details will be discussed by different people.  In each circle, some traditions are revealed through oral recounting of some story. 

An often asked question is about shiva and shakti circles. First one goes to right side and second one goes to left.  A basic proposition is, it depends on the energy of the person booming it.  But thats just one theory.

More laters..