Thursday, March 16, 2006

Turn it around, make it stand on its head, ulta-pulta, up-side down, etc. etc. the sentence 'and god created man'...

which will turn out to be, 'and man created god'... (dont stop, read on...) For what?

yes, ask this question.. "for what?" along with it to give it a continuous properly, to read ahead, don't let your brain filter away this question...

The primitive human created the idea of 'god' for practical purposes, its as simple as that. our brain gets frustrated if we cannot find an explanation, and since the primitive human had so less knowledge about the world around him, 'god' became creator of the world around him.

at present, in most civilizations, there are powerful male gods,
but if you try to read mythology (or call it as history of 'god'), you will find that female goddesses prevailed, because man (read human-being) was establishing himself in this world. the female godess's attributes were suitable to survive in those primitive conditions.

due change happened all over world, and masculine gods rose up in status, and currently they dominate. as man had by then established some amount of control over his immediate environment. so, now man was looking out to over-power others or was trying to defend their regions from other attackers, and built up agressive male gods.

at present, in this 21st century, males are not considered as superior, but the in thing is 'gender equality'...

so does the superior male gods of today need to change? should some equally powerful female godesses rise up? but would that really lead to gender equality?

if everywas religious or forced to be conventional then... probably it may happen.

then, to change people, all one require is change in status of gods.

many other social behavior could be controlled through changing gods. for example, if alcohol addiction increases, then make the gods sober, and populace would be forced to follow suit...

thus even today, many peole are conditioned to be rigid (or even fanatic) about their religious beleifs... because the underlying belief is that, 'its for the greater good of the soceity/mankind'.

That rigidity, or not willing to change has been and will be useful.
but moderation or willingness to change also is useful... at times.

when to go for what? that remains a never ending quest.


Anonymous said...

The primitive human created the idea of 'god' for practical purposes

I think you're mistaken here. Humans are not really as practical as all that. Very emotional. I think the notion of god was invented not for a practical purpose but for an emotional one.

You know the expression "there are no atheists in foxholes"? Means, "anyone will believe in some sort of god if s/he is sufficiently frightened." More precisely, s/he will believe in not just any god, but in a god with the power to do something to help... and s/he will manifest that belief by asking that god to help. It's that frightened people can't cope, emotionally, with the feeling that there is nothing they can do, so they conjure a god who can help and ask that god to do so.

or anyway, that's what i say the origin is. moreso than the desire to explain the world.

many other social behavior could be controlled through changing gods. for example, if alcohol addiction increases, then make the gods sober, and populace would be forced to follow suit...

i think the history of the US contains ample proof that the populace will not, in fact, follow suit.

just sayin'.

sovidual said...

yeah, i stand corrected.
i should have wrote - the primitive human beings ADAPTED 'god' concept for practical purposes.

the need to have a super-poer, or magical power is an emotional need, and emotional reasoning is used to prove 'god' exists.
i agree with the commentor, but while writing i just got caught up with the concept, and didn't pay full attention to other implications. thanx.
from - sovidual