Wednesday, November 01, 2006

another 1st

november 1st, a new month begins... though never cared for a date to start something. but today was thinking of ways to get out of this goal-less-ness cycle. maybe i needed a break ;)

i guess it would be common enough, to have such feelings & thoughts of just existing without a purpose, more so if you are un-attached singleton. (maybe by being unattached, by distancing yourself away from even your friends you achieve such a state).

being forced to remain unattached doesn't seem to be an option for netizens, as all you have to do is click on the numerous spams you receive everyday. of course there are 100's of friendship network sites and all that.

but yeah, just plain interaction with others seem to help and today i could feel it. maybe this is another new beginning, another fresh attempt to improve, achieve, be part of the guilt free, functional member of the civilized world. (you can ignore my sarcasm, its not part of the goallessness, but general part of me ;) there, i even cracked a joke).

Does this need for other people mean i am dependent on others? but does anyone exist on their own? the search is on...


Anonymous said...

i like the phrase "guilt free, functional member of the civilized world". its really wonderful. it caputres the idea of "obligatory conformity to society". you should crank out some poems on this theme, much to the dread of your friends.

Anonymous said...

much to the dread of your friends.

bwaaa hahahahahahahahahaha.