Monday, September 05, 2011

42) Return

42) Return
A protruding step
Made me fall,
Inside my school.

I walked away
Dusting my pants,
But leaving
Misshapen designs,
Printed on the mud.

On its long corridors,
Uniformly built,
On yawning arches,
I ran my fingers over
Felt cold stone
And scratches.

Pieces of papers, floated,
Murky desks, darkened,
A broken pencil
On the floor, rolled.

In my hand the last
Page of notebook,
Fluttered toward the
Trail of pages;
His friends.

Crumpling the impulse to turn,
Walked ahead with new hope,
To detect signs of life,
At least here
In it’s abandoned loneliness;

Outside the gate,
Doorkeeper trees,
Waved to me again.

1 comment:

sovidual said...

Like Calvin in the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip I too had felt like bombing my school, a fascist establishment. But in a nostalgic trip as an adult, I decided to forgive and search for humanness in even such a stone formation….