Saturday, October 08, 2011

23) Inner beauty

23) Inner beauty

 You are a shell, 
yet unopened
 Hiding inside a pearl,
 yet coarsely covered.

 You are a butterfly, 
yet to wake 
Sleeping in a cocoon, 
yet to break. 

Youu are a cloud,
 yet to rain 
Enough to green a desert, 
yet in pain. 

You are a rock, 
yet not dry
 Blemished by nature, 
yet never cry.

 You are a peacock, 
yet never dance 
With thousand eyes, 
yet never given a glance.

 Your are a rainbow, 
yet to form 
Queen of the skies, 
 yet slave to storm. 

Youu are a poem,
 read to the end 
Written from the heart, 
yet never understood.

1 comment:

sovidual said...

23]Inner beauty
Media's Obsession with external beauty (and my own lousy looks) made me write this one, maybe I will be able to change the way people evaluate me?
...also, someone talked to me about a condition which affects a part of external look. made me think about these stanzas... so i searched for it in my blog, and found '23' to be missing! coincidence?!