Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Another lecture

Another lecture
Why do amusement dance in your eyes always
And there’s a shade of fierceness that glints
Reflecting cautionary protective spirit,
Along with it confounding curves appear too,
At where cheeks meet those lips,
Leaving even anticipation holding its breath
Is this beginning of a smile now?

Often somber clouds just cover it up,
And sometimes they don’t; to enlighten
What’s to feel like a feather and float…
But it’s always a flash & control reigns,
And the mystery remains unraveled as always;
And me to copy another lecture notes

From one of those rock solid classmates.

1 comment:

sovidual said...

A college thingy... falling for real and hard enough to induce a trance, and needing to depend on your geeky classmates to copy notes… though does anyone do that anymore? I meant the later… ;)