Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Right to have own opinion...

Why we fight over or can have endless arguments over ‘god’ whether it exists or not (cant use he/she right?)
And another is ‘reservation’  - as its known in India – i.e. caste based quota for resources, usually education, job, age limit etc.

Equal rights for women is not as hotly debated – openly, as it seem to have become politically correct – not to discriminate against women.

So, back to god and reservations areguements in india…
The god argument – continues – because, the definition of god is different for everyone.

For example – it will be like arguing whether
Football or cricket is the better sport (for non-indians, volleyball v/s basketball etc can be taken up)

Actually, how is “better” defined is the key – without having objective standards as what makes either sport ‘better’ – it can become an enver-ending discussion.

Similarly, the question, whether reservation (caste based quota) should exist or not – becomes endless argument – because – it fails to addrss its end result…
What is reservation aiming to do? – that I the real question  -what is the goal of this policy?

To bring equality? To give everyone fair chance?
-          Everyone, as in – impact on this generation or future generations as well?

Let me digress here a bit –
If I remember correctly, in the book, “a Connecticut Yankee in king arthur’s court”, the hero gets into an argument with some people – when they discuss – whether increasing the salary and increasing the cost of products they consume at the same time is useful or not.  People / general public feel – increasing salary is good (regardless of cost increase).  Because they have a narrow vision and don’t look beyond.

Similarly, people are obsessed with policy / rules..  if its not being implemented by the machinery / system – which is supposed to do so, then there is no point in having that rule.
For example, banning sale of alcohol (prohibition) wouldn’t make sense, if illegally sale of alcohol is left completely unchecked. 

But, in india, and many other countries as well – there is huge amount of corruption existing in govt. machinery – so, rather than focusing efforts to get that machinery to work properly, newer rules / policies are made.. 

The politicians know, its basically it’s a good technique to fool the public.  So, it wouldn’t be wrong at times to question, whether is it enough to have -  “you can’t fool all the people all the time”..  even if there is a small % of honest people, its enough – mentality should change..  unless the majority practices it, active activism is needed to clean the govt. machinery and work on keeping it clean..  

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