Monday, September 30, 2013

How to live a simpler, greener life?

A common cold put me down for few days from wandering.  And as my general practice, I didn’t take any medication, and let nature take its course.  At times sinus congestion creates difficulties, but it was overall a mild condition.  I am not averse to taking medicines if the situation requires it, i.e. if my health is in more severe problem. 

But that also made me think, what all life style changes that I have made since last few years. Its an attempt to document these positive changes and not brag in anyway.

In around 2009, I explored other treatment methods (other than Allopathy).  There are, Ayurved, Homeopathy, Unani and so on..  generally called as ‘alternative therapies’.  Regarding mental health, I had read current psychiatric/psychological concepts based on Allopathy, or western medicine system.  But I wanted to know about other health systems/schools of thought as well. 

Thus, since 2009, I have made conscious changes in my life style.  One focus always is, to reduce my carbon footprint, as I consider we are exploiting our environment to dangerous levels and our future generation will suffer most for such greedy consumption. 

Reduced use of electricity – been trying to figure out how to use as less electricity power as possible.  Not using many electric power consuming equipments, is my method.
Fan – most common way to deal with the ubiquitous hot climate of India, I try not to use it at all, and can say, reduced use of fan by about 90% from my earlier usage.
Washing machine – instead I hand wash and make sure I dry my clothes without machine.  In this aspect also, I have reduced mo than 90% of washing machine usage.  (I also reduced use of soap for washing and for bathing – and try not to increase adding more soap chemicals, as I have seen how soap water can affect the mud/earth which it flows through.  Generally the mud becomes stuck with a layer of soap foam and no vegetation grows in these affected patches.)

Stopped using hot water for bathing – most households use electric heater to make hot water, and it consumes large amounts of power.  I also stopped using hot water altogether since last 3 years, as even wood fuel used to heat water pollutes and adds to carbon footprint.  In winter time, I take bath during mid noon.  (though so far I have not lived in below 10 degree centigrade areas).

Reducing other consumption – started going barefeet 24/7 since 2011, and stopped owning any footwear at all – also, stopped buying clothes since last 3 years, and will buy only when my current clothes will wear out totally. 

Overall, reduced my possessions to just 2 bags full – which I can personally carry (thus setting limits to the weight of possessions as well).  This helps to reduce buying and consumption to a large extent. 

Stopped using all kinds of beauty products – this was very low, but things like, face-wash, shampoo, deo’s, and a lot of similar stuff.  I use economical bath soap and toothpaste and that’s about it.  I have found, bathing with a bucket full of water (15-20 liters) on alternate days is enough to provide hygiene, even though I might not smell like a soap factory ;)

Reduced buying products wrapped in plastic and throwing trash only in trash cans, and not litter on public places (its tempting to throw trash on public places in India, as many areas are already littered with lots of wrappers and stuff, but I try to control.  Even though at times, it happens unconsciously due to long years of conditioning).

Repairing things whenever possible and not replacing a thing like wallet etc, until it cannot be used.  Using bottle to carry water whenever possible, and avoid buying bottled water.  Reduced use of paper (try to do e-book reading, and reduce use of paper whenever possible), and avoid a/c cars and train carriages during travel as well, and use public transport as much as possible. 

Though I do binge once in a blue moon, but its getting less frequent.  Moderation in food consumption, controlling my weakness for sweats, and avoid being a victim to fashion fads is another aspect.  I have not abstained from anything totally, but try to moderate and remind myself about this everyday, as its an uphill task and not easy at all.

All these are conscious decisions, and try not to use the excuse that, I can afford it in terms of money.  At times it seems like an idiotic idea not to buy a bottle of drinking water for 10 rupees, but take out the trouble to carry a filled water bottle as extra luggage.  But I am trying it.

I have lots to improve.  I have not measured how much carbon footprint I have reduced, or how much money I save in this way.  But it does give me a sense of satisfaction that I am doing my bit for environment, through a more ecologically friendly life habits. 

What else can be done? I keep an open mind and welcome suggestions. 


Tanushree said...

if you leave electrical things plugged in when they are not in use, they also consume energy. so unplug all that is not in use.

sending gratitude and support for your sincere and meticulous efforts.

Tanushree said...

Also: "Soapnuts" are a good alternative to chemical detergent. I'm sure you can find someone who sells or grows it.

Anonymous said...

If you are really serious do not use light at night when reading.