Saturday, March 29, 2014

are anxious people taking over the world?

a lot of problems the world is seeing are due to the feeling of lack of time.  people who can relax and are satisfied with doing 10 things in a day are accused of being lazy and stupid/unsuccessful and people who run around and accomplish 25 things in a day are considered ideal role models and successful people. 

why are these people doing 25 things? because they are constantly dissatisfied, and want to achieve more, show to others that they have done so much, crave appreciation and limelight, want to record that they have done 100's of great things in their life and influenced history more than any other person, before they died.  basically anxious about their own self worth and their worth in the eyes of others, not just from present time, but from historical perspective.  these people would be craving to live not just 100 years, but 1000's of years and still not be satisfied. 

and how are these people destroying the world? - one simple example to start with.  the rate at which things degrade in our nature is slow.  bio-waste will decay and mix up with earth in about 1 month to 3 month time.  other things like wood etc will take more time.  but, these people, who want to live 3 lifetimes within their 1 lifetime, consume 10 times the products that they are supposed to consume in that time.  thus they try to do more in the limited time, and the nature cannot do that.  the nature is not supposed to speed up its processes that way.  (if nature did that, these people would be dead within 1/3rd of their life span as well). 

thus, there is a technological race, to do more, achieve more, and its never ending.  technology will never catch up with this human greed pace, because, its greed which is driving this race for technology. 

these people should be made aware and relaxation and going at the pace of nature should be encouraged.  but our school and educational systems and later the corporate world are doing the exact opposite.  they try to light up a fire on the backside of everyone and make everyone run faster in the rat race.  the media and especially advertisements propagate it to no end.  (of course, the slow TV is a different phenomena and is probably indicating a change in this fast, faster and fastest mentality). 

imagine, as far back as you can.  if you are 25, maybe you can think about 10 or 15 years back...  how were those days? how were things around you?  how was nature?  how many people were around those days? and most IMPORTANT...  what was the PACE of life in those days and the pace of life now? 

between the sun rise and sun set, how many things are you trying to accomplish now?  and where all does it end?  will any of it matter after a 1000 years?  or after 10,000 years?  this earth is more than 4.5 billion years old.  that is 4500 million years...  or 10,000 years happening for 45,000 times!!!  (its mind boggling to be short, and i am not a math expert).

so, is it worth all the stress you are now taking and sacrificing all the leisure that you are planning to take up after retirement?  maybe its time for anti-anxietyism to come up.  what would be a term for it - relaxism or peacefulism?  try to think up a term for it.  come on, you can take that thought break.

remember that, feminism took a long time to bring down masculinity and a more equal world...  so, it will be a long struggle for relaxism people, to make the world less competitive and have equal say in the way world is run from relaxed perspective.  but do spread this word for world peace ;)

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