Tuesday, March 02, 2021

"healing rainbow" - part 2 on R gathering

 Below is information on a "healing rainbow" from France.  It's been copy pasted for any reader who wants to know about "healing rainbow" specifically.   (Excerpts).

The RAINBOW  healing retreat in BIELLA  Alps calls us to come together...

A healing rainbow has the same rules like a rainbow gathering plus some more rules : substances that are easily addictive are forbidden (like sugar, coffe, tobacco, every kind of drugs, marijuana, white flour etc) .

If you want to try this experience you are welcome. Please don’t bring these substances because it can be a problem for people that want to try to stop with tobacco or something else and want to be in a place without temptation. Please, respect our common vision !!!!

Rainbow is a free gathering in nature, where we stay in a simple way, WITHOUT TECNOLOGY and WITHOUT TECNIOLOGICAL DEVICES. Food is Vegan. Raw for lunch, for dinner also cooked (if you have children you can use the kitchen to cook also during the day). 

We cook all together in shift (volantary) and we eat all together around the Sacred fire. In that fire we only use Wood (dry wood that we collect around) . Into  the sacred space around the fire we enter only without shoes. We pay so much attention to our fire because it’s sacred and because we keep the ash as clean as possible, for people that collect ash in the morning to clean themselves.  

When food is almost ready a call from the kitchen starts, that goes around in a chain. Before eating all together in a circle, we sing songs of rainbow tradition, and we do some OM.  Then some volunteers serve the food. This moment of sharing is a very important moment, also because  after meals there are annuncements for all the family...

At Rainbow gatherings money exchanges are banned, expect at the Magic hat...

At Rainbows there is always something to do!! Wood to be collected, water to bring to the kitchen, food missions, meals  to be cooked …

There are not real organizers and leaders, we all are responsible and creators of the gathering, we all cooperate, even a minimum, so we don’t leave the burden on the shoulders of few people. 

Rainbow life is not so comfortable: we wash  in the cold river without soap in order to avoid pollution, ours toilet is a hole in the ground (that we cover with ash and earth), we sleep in tents or open air. And all these simple acts reconnected us with nature and our ancestors.

Despite we don’t use soaps (exeptions are made for 100% natural soaps like saponiferous clay etc but  always far from rivers or sources) but only ash and vinegar, personal hygiene is really important for health of everybody, and also some attentions like drink only from your own cup,  never make shit pit next to rivers or watersources.  Everyone is invited to have special care for personal hygiene, especially the one that are volontary in the kitchen and who serve food. All people that are dealing with common food must  have very clean hands, even under the nails.

Alcohol is also forbidden, in order to find new creative healthy way to have fun, especially acoustic music makes our nights around the fire. If you have knowledge or skills about anything and you want to share it you can bring the necessary for running a workshop. 

During the day there may be all kind of workshops, like music , healing, holistic and meditation technics etc etc , and all of them are free.

We are sorry for dogs, but  for many reasonable reason we must ask to avoid bringing them.

WATH TO BRING : tent, sleeping bag, torch, warm clothes (the camp is 1300 m.), spoon, cup, dish, personal hygien kit, smiles, huges, music instruments.

AVOID TO BRING: alcohol, tobacco, coffee, sugar, every kind of hard or soft drugs, soap and toothpaste, electrical or electronic devices, old habits, hate (our aim is healing!!)

ADDITIONAL: (excerpt from a write-up about "healing rainbow"), by another person.

This was a Healing Rainbow Gathering. This meant that there was no smoking, alcohol, sugar or caffeine. The food was not all raw, but that was an option, and it was of course all vegan. The gathering felt happier, calmer and more relaxed than Palenque. There were far fewer people, and they were not coming and going all the time.

I stayed there for a week. 

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