Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2 questions...

rape – what does that mean?
And how and where did that word originate?

-  the banned documentary, India's daughter, which is on rape of Nirbhaya in Delhi and related controversies, i was forced me to rethink on those 2 questions above. Does a similar stigma is connected with men who get raped?

Why do women as a gender group have to face a different stigma, when a penetration happens related to genital regions of the body? (here, i am assuming, a similar stigma is not connected with men who get raped).

Where does it start? Isn't it strongly connected to a patriarchal mind set, which sets a different value to women and their body... and physical contact with a man.. why does it have to be so fragile a virtue? Why can't any human being, feel free to use their body the way they want and enjoy physical intimacy, without bothered by moral and philosophical dilemmas?

Why should sex be such a concern of society and other people? Is it because, marriage and life long commitment is considered so sacred and freedom to use own body to convey emotions with each other the way they want? Does mental sex, where one imagines it, goes with the same amount of guilt? Can any one human being say, they never imagined, or fantasized anything sexual outside their marriage, or with a married person?

Of course, people's interest in sex, or whatever else like music, food, traveling, etc. Varies from person to person. According to Dr. Alfred Kinsey, there are heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, pan sexuals, autosexuals and asexuals. Its a range. Similarly, there are people addicted to music and people who are not interested in music can also be there int his world.

Again, rather than accepting, each individual as a complex package of multiple likes and dislikes and neutrality, and thus celebrating uniqueness of each person (even identical twins are not same mentally), why do we try to suppress it and try to create groups of people with similar likes/dislikes? A really free world, where each one can enjoy music of their type, or not listen to it at all according to their preference can exist?

A genderless, a world without coercion and pressure to be uniform... and where we can live without judging each other within couple of seconds of meeting them??

i don't know thinking in this way makes me even worse than a rebel... and whether such thoughts should be shared at all.. what if i feel same way about religion, god and other such human constructs?
Where would you put thoughts of nudism as an accepted practice, in the range of rebelliousness?

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