Friday, July 22, 2011

41) Relations

41) Relations
Neighborhood cat came,
Whenever got hurt, needed
Hot milk and soothing words;
In some seasons, weeks passed,
Without it’s paw’s
Scratching neurotically clean
Tiles, but when they met
Like old friends, sat close
Together, but one silent;
Maybe the cat had a sore throat.

One stormy night,
The cat came, for the first time
Thoroughly wet and with a touch
Of terror in his eyes,
She welcomed with a towel,
Noticed on his white wet fur,
A streak of red, stifling sobs;
Nursed, but it was an endless
Night for him, she wept
Afterwards, at loneliness.

1 comment:

sovidual said...

41> Relations
This one flowed out during a boring lecture, and I was confused about selfishness in relationships even though they are exhibited as otherwise, and death leading to self pity and related sorrow. Ouch!