Tuesday, July 05, 2011

38) Planet - X

38) Planet - X
Without a sting, it enters,
Slowly and slowly it spreads,
So, late come realization,
After gone deep inside, ideologies.

Like eyes, deaf to the cries
Of dry cheeks, to shed tears,
The minds, act numbed,
To the yearning, to be freed.

Marked by long held rotten breath,
From every where in the fear encircled path,
Reflect the stoic faces of ruler,
The craving for reassurance, like mirror.

Living in perfect harmony, it’s called,
In an Utopian world.
But all of them meaningless words,
Just like my name and yours.

1 comment:

sovidual said...

Planet – X
About dictatorial politics, maybe George Orwell’s 1984, and big brother concept also influenced, or reading about Indian politics was more than enough.